What does a Wedding Chapel Text for Gay and lesbian Services look like?

This shows what religion lite sounds like in a wedding ceremony. God is there but not in a strong way. Many people approve of this text. It seems to give the best of all worlds for gays and lesbian weddings.

Gathering time Music Opening:

Welcome and please stand. (or other needed instruction, it can just be a change in music)

Dearly beloved, today we are gathered in the sight of God, for the joyous celebration of the marriage of (1st name only) and (1st name only).

Please be seated. Our first reading will read by ( Name) or The lesson will be read by (Name)

Reader: State what is being read, then read it. If the work scripture you may end with"this is the word of God." Some like the ending "praise be to God" but no ending at all is needed.

Music is good some like a singing at this time.

Our Second reading will read by ( Name) or The lesson will be read by (Name)same as above.

Short statement about marriage:

Let us witness the love of two people who come before you to be joined in bond of holy matrimony. We offer our love, support and best wishes for their lives. We hope that they will be blessed by a commitment to years of growth, sharing and encouragement. In a world that can be harsh and judgmental we ask God to bless them with peace and prosperity and we ask that God make their love a beacon that will bring light, truth and justice to all who know them.

Please face one another:

To one of the couple then the other:

Do you (Name), take, (Name), for your (husband/wife), to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part ? Then repeat with the other.

Or use:

I, (Name), take thee, (Name), to be my (husband/wife), to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part.

To one and then the other:

“Do you have the ring?

May God's blessing come down upon this ring. Amen,

Please repeat: (Name), this ring I give you, in token and pledge of our constant faith and abiding love.

Or: Come health, happiness, and prosperity, I will stand with you; come illness, trouble, or poverty, I will stand with you. Take this ring, as a sign of my love and commitment.

Please bow your heads. Dear God bless this company and all who strive to reflect Your love throughout the world: For it is in seeing love that we see You. Please God, bless this couple with joy and prosperity that they may be ever faithful to each other and let them thank you and praise you all the days of their lives. Amen.

It is now with great pleasure that I pronounce you spouses for life.

You may kiss.

Music to process out.

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