Old School Christian Wedding for Gay and Lesbian Couples,

Text for old school Christian Wedding for Gay and Lesbian couples, this is based on 19th cent. examples. The text is a mix of Anglican and Roman Catholic rites from around 1900.

Gathering time Music Opening:

Welcome and please stand. (or other needed instruction, it can just be a change in music)

Processional Music with entrance of the bridal party:

Please be seated.

Our first reading will read by ( Name) or The lesson will be read by (Name)

Reader: State what is being read, then read it. If the work scripture you may end with"this is the word of God." Some like the ending "praise be to God" but no ending at all is needed.


Our Second reading will read by ( Name) or The lesson will be read by (Name)same as above.

One of the great universals in human life across all boundaries and throughout the world is love. We see it in families, we see it among friends. From the time we are small children in our mothers arms we are taught to value love in others, at first for the benefit it brings us but later just for its' own sake. It sadden us when we see people who have not learned to value, honor, and respect love when they see it in others. Today the world is invited to celebrate a love between two people: The love that binds them together and makes them one. May all who see them see love and be warmed by its' light.

Let us begin in In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen

Dearly beloved, we are gathered together here in the sight of God, and in this company to join this couple in holy matrimony. Marriage is honorable among all people and therefore not to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly, but reverently, discreetly, soberly and in the fear of God. It is into this state that these two people now present come to be joined.

I ask , require, and charge you both if either of you know in your hearts any reason why you may not be lawfully joined in marriage? (Lets rub it in!)

Please face one another:

to one of the couple then the other:

Wilt thou, (Name), take this man to be thy wedded husband, to live together in the holy estate of matrimony? Wilt thou love him, comfort him, and keep him for your husband, for better, for worse, from this day forward; Forsaking all others, so long as you both shall live?

“Do you have the ring?

O Lord, Hear our prayer.

Bless O lord these rings, which we now bless in Thy name, that they who wear them, keeping true faith unto each other, may abide in Thy peace and in obedience to Thy will, and ever live in mutual love. We ask this through Christ our lord.

Please repeat after me: "With this ring I thee wed: with my body I thee worship: and with all my worldly goods I thee endow. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen."

repeat (Then the minister shall pray:) "Bless, O Lord, this ring, that he/she who gives it and he/she who wears it may abide in thy peace, and continue in thy favor, unto their life's end; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen."

I proclaim you joined together in marriage, in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen Look down with favor, O Lord, we beseech Thee, Upon these Thy servants, and graciously protect this Thine ordinance, whereby Thou hast provided for the benefit of mankind; that they who are joined together by Thy authority may be preserved by Thy help. Save thy servants who hope in thee, oh my God. Send them help from Thy holy place and defend them out of Zion. Be unto them, O Lord, a tower of strength from the face of the enemy. Bless them that they may live faithful together to perform and keep the covenant and vow betwixt them made, and may they ever remain in perfect love and peace and live in accordance to the law and through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Those whom God has joined let no man put asunder.

You may kiss.

May the blessing of God be upon you, In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen

The Recessional:

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